Monday, May 11, 2009

What order do you set the suits out in, when playing cards?

When playing solitaire or something similar, what order do you set out your cards? You know, when you find an ace in the game you can put it in the top-right corner; but what order do you put the suits in?

I used to put them as: hearts, diamonds, spades then clubs. But now I put them in hearts, clubs, diamonds, spades.

It's just a matter of personal choice really.

Do you set your cards out in a special way? Or do you just go with whatever comes first?

What order do you set the suits out in, when playing cards?
diamonds, hearts, clubs, spades
Reply:No I don't play card games that require that. I play blackjack or texas shootout. But if I did I am sure I would have a habit that would always stay the same. Very predictable.
Reply:I don't have a particular preference. I just start from the left and go to the right.
Reply:Fist one up goes to the left.
Reply:No particular order...

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