Sunday, November 15, 2009

Does anyone know who the 4 kings in a reg deck of 52 playing cards stand for?

it was a question that someone asked at work, and know one knows who they stand for. Thats kings from history, not sure who though.

Does anyone know who the 4 kings in a reg deck of 52 playing cards stand for?
well, the page in wikipedia is very exhaustive

the following is copied and pasted straight from the article:

"The United States Playing Card Company suggests that in the past, the King of Hearts was Charlemagne, the King of Diamonds was Julius Caesar, the King of Clubs was Alexander the Great, and the King of Spades was the Biblical King David. "
Reply:I'm not sure , but there are the 4 kings who came following a star to see Jesus born , and there are 4 kings on horses at the end of time (4 horse riders) one is red and one is green and the other 2 I think black and white .

Tell if I'm not right to think more .
Reply:articcro got it right, i read that somewhere a long time ago
Reply:Right. One of the deck of cards kings might be called right...


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