Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What are playing cards made out of?

(like pokemon cards... ) and how do they pollute the environment? what effect do they have on living things? how long is it till they decompose? how can we solve or prevent or reduce this kind of pollution?

What are playing cards made out of?
Reply:Umm hey calm down. They r just cool pieces of cardboard with paint. Normally it has the same effect as paint and cardboard. The only way you can sole this is by planting trees. Holofoil cards might take a bit longer to decompose because of the shiny paint. OH and by the way, why do you want to know this?
Reply:WOW tree hugger
Reply:ink over plastic coated stiff cardbpardl ike material
Reply:playing cards are made out of cardboard and ink. the holofoil part is just a layer of shiny plastic. there are a few chemicals used in the process of varnishing the cards (that is, making them shiny) but these are most likely harmless to the environment (I have not heard of one that was, but if there is, now you can't sue me)

Playing cards take only slightly longer to decompose, and this is because water takes longer to penetrate the shiny covering.

If you eat a suicide king, charizard, mobius the frost monarch, or a black mana card, you should be perfectly fine, as long as it wasn't holofoil. it almost definitely has nothing that will kill you (I honestly don't think it does, but now if you eat one and die, you can't sue me)

If you eat a holofoil card, the plastic part will naturally not be good for you. I have no idea whether or not the holofoil part is biodegradable, but who gives a holofoil card the chance to decompose anyways?
Reply:make them with 100% post-consumer recycled paper/cardboard and print them with soy based ink.

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