Sunday, November 15, 2009

How Much Longer Will Children Of Undocumented Workers Be Used As Playing Cards?

Undocumented workers are making unwanted babies so they can say "Don't deport us. We have children."

A very large problem is the undocumented workers who are making children in the U.S. are not good parents. The parents make around 300,000 children a year (mostly out of wedlock) just so they can use the kids as pawns to help the stop the parent from being deported.

Those parents are also not good people. Good people care about children. Good people would never purposefully be putting kids in a bad situation in the first place. Also, good people would never think it is right to break the Bible's Ten Commandments. And, good people would never try to get pregnant out of wedlock. Furthermore, good people would never try to get pregnant without a way to pay for their children. Because of their lack of money, the parents want the government to pay their hospital bills. The parents also try to collect any government benefits they can get for the child and for themselves.

How Much Longer Will Children Of Undocumented Workers Be Used As Playing Cards?
It really doesn't matter what the 14th Amendment was designed for. It is law.

It needs to be repealed.
Reply:Its a messy situation.
Reply:Deport them and their families and then let them try to come in "The RIGHT WAY"!
Reply:Playing cards? I thought they were being used as ANCHORS???????

Seriously, the 14th amendment absolutely positively needs to be removed since it's purpose has long been fulfilled. If you could go back in time and tell Congress in the late 1800's how illegal aliens have been abusing this law, there is no doubt in my mind the law would be written differently.
Reply:All children born in this country to illegals, need to go back with their parents to the land their parents are from. I do not believe anyone has the right to give birth in a country the parents are not citizens in and then expect a free ride forever because of that child. THAT is child abuse.
Reply:I say Amen to that!!
Reply:What are your sources for statistics on illegal immigrant groups you have referenced? ie. The conclusion you draw that these children are being had:

A) on-purpose to: 1)take advantage of federal welfare programs and 2) use their children as playing cards on the recent parental deportation which on many occasions have split up families and debates

B) that illegal immigrants have $300,000 children per year and they are "unwanted"

Also, are these your only definitions of a "good" parent?

Are there any other qualities that make a "good" parent other than:

a) the ability to provide material things? What can be said about the parent who is not an illegal immirgant and is able to provide materially but not emotionally? Or, the parent that is able to provide materially yet does drugs or physically hurts their children? Or, the parent who is able to provide materially and does away with their child sending them away to boarding school and is too lazy to teach their own kid issues of grooming, hygiene, about what he or she will experience as a boy or girl turning into manhood or womanhood, or too lazy to teach their kid how to dress, how to eat a meal at a table, how to relate to others and be a law abiding citizen, or too lazy to teach their child other more important issues that will be faced later on in their work life like how to embrace other cultures and races and how to view people that have a different color of skin or speak a different language?

b) observing the Bible's 10 Commandments? (which was MOSES law and was eradicated upon Jesus death as a sacrifice to the world yet many of today's laws and fundamental Christian beliefs stem from and/or are based on these 10 old Bible commandments as an overal golden rule of living in today's society)

Your tacit assumption is that all unmarried parents make poor or bad parents. This is not the case.

As someone who has conducted much research in the Social Sciences, I will tell you for a fact that illegal immigrants are not the main users of our federal welfare system. In fact, there is a dominant culture from the lower class that takes the prize for its use of the federal welfare system but I don't wish to say which one because I do not wish to offend anyone.

Why are you concerned about the role illegal immigrants may play in the federal welfare system? How about more important issues at hand like how our nation and citizens are ridiculed and mocked and has lost credibility within the world scene?

Our beloved country is popular for their military, education, and technology. We can fly across the world, take a trip to the moon but WAR, with all of our country's leadership capabilities and progress made in several industries and fields thus far...WAR still prevails yet an antiquated way of dealing with conflict. Ben %26amp; Jerry’s has more than 50 Ways to Support Peace. Please visit:

As an example, It lobbies government to shift federal spending from nuclear misiles to a children’s program called “American Pie”. Noting: Government spends $13 billion to create 10,000 nuclear bombs and claim they will only truly need in an emergency to send 5-10 of such bombs. They believe this lobbying is important as business is the most powerful force in the country.

Or, how about being concerned with other more important things like:

1) our society is individualistic and based on the greed of commerce.

2) global warming. As an example of what is wrong with our society: Protests (over 1300 across the country) on TXU investment by one out of 3 major corporate conglomerates $11 billion towards financing 11 new dirty energy coal plants in Texas.

Per Tom Bender who, according to Wikipedia, is considered to be one of the American founders of “green architecture” and “sustainability” movements"

“A community which lives only for the greed of commerce and consumption does not enjoy itself and does not enjoy life. Such a community has: a) not learned the incredible drama of life of which we are a part of and b) is not capable of creating sustaining bonds within itself, with its neighbors and with the natural world in which it is embedded.”

"We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them."-Albert Einstein
Reply:The problem is not the children in and of themselves but how to stem the tide of illegal immigration. The answer is this: Cut off the jobs. Start holding the employers responsible for breaking existing US immigration law and haul EMPLOYERS away in handcuffs. Without jobs or access to benefits, people will self deport.
Reply:So long as "the babies manufacturing and assembly line" is operational.
Reply:Although I am not a fan of the anchor baby policy, I disagree on your position on what constitutes a "good" person.
Reply:as long as it keeps working
Reply:Sadly, it is true. A lot of undocumented workers do use children as playing cards, although it's not as bad as you make it out to be, it is a problem.

Also, the shear logistics of removing them is enormous. It is impossible to get rid of them all, although more can be done.
Reply:We should either repeal the 14th Amendment or abolish birth right citizenship.

Either one would fix the problem with anchor babies.
Reply:Way to go Smoke and Mirror: I was hoping there will be a referendum to end this.

I signed the petition.
Reply:They need to chuck the 14th and deport all illegal aliens.

Of course if they did this then it would put a crink in that ever wonderful North American Union that the elite are planning.

family nanny

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