Thursday, May 20, 2010

Is the "Trump Card", in playing cards related to Donald Trump?

When you are playing cards, there is sometimes a card called the "Trump Card." Did this card somehow get named after Donald Trump???

Is the "Trump Card", in playing cards related to Donald Trump?
Lol nope. Not whatsoever.
Reply:thanks for the advise lol that's so funny that is freakin genius Report Abuse


trump (v.)

"fabricate, devise," 1695, from trump "deceive, cheat" (1513), from M.E. trumpen (1375), from O.Fr. tromper "deceive," of uncertain origin, perhaps from a verb meaning "to blow a trumpet." Trumped up "false, concocted" first recorded 1728.

trump (n.1)

"playing card of a suit ranking above others," 1529, alteration of triumph, name of a card game. The verb meaning "surpass, beat" is attested from 1586.

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